Insurance Claim Negotiators Ireland

Fire Claims

If you have had a fire it is vital to act fast. Damage to both your property and its contents can be devastating. If alternate accommodation is required then we will help arrange like-for-like housing at no extra cost.

Your insurer will employ a loss adjuster whose job it is to minimise your claim as much as possible. Loss Assessors Ireland will manage your claim and ensure the maximum settlement.

Burglary Claims

Being burgled is often a traumatic experience which isn’t helped when your insurance company starts treating you as the culprit. The insurer’s loss adjuster will do everything in their power to minimise your claim or even pay you nothing at all.

Loss Assessors Ireland have specialised in burglary claims for over 20-years, no other Loss Assessor will be able to get you more or match the support we give you through this tough time.

Flood Claims

Flood and water damage claims need to be dealt with quickly and efficiently to get your life back on track as quickly as possible. Stopping the flow of water and drying out the property need to be undertaken at the earliest moment possible to avoid further damage.

Insurance companies are known for acting very slowly on these types of claims, and they will do everything they can to avoid paying the policyholder. Loss Assessors Ireland will manage your claim and get you every penny that you are entitled to.

Business Interruption

There are many reasons that a company suffers financial loss due to unforeseen circumstances. If your business is insured for consequential loss, then Loss Assessors Ireland ensure that you receive the highest possible settlement.

Your insurers will employ a loss adjuster will try and pay you a pittance of what you can actually claim. It’s not just about your immediate loss, often, it’s future losses that you don’t anticipate that can be the most damaging. 

For more information on our any of our services, or to discover what makes Loss Assessors Ireland is one of the most renowned firms of loss assessors in Dublin, call our 24/7 number 087-1958363.  Or contact us here 

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If you don’t get paid – we don’t get paid